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Redwood City, CA

GTR Remediation and C3 Technology


Contaminants: PCE & TCE

Mississauga, Canada

In Situ Thermal Desorption & Soil Vapor Extraction of VOCs


Contaminants: TCA, TCE, DCA, & DCE

Camp Pendleton,CA

In Situ Thermal Remediation


Contaminants: PCE, TCE, Vinyl Chloride, BTEX compounds, Napthalene

EPA Region 9, CA

In Situ Thermal Remediation


Contaminants: TPH-d, TPH-mo, Benzene, Naphthalene, BaP

Suzhou, China

In Situ Thermal Remediation


Contaminants: Benzene, Chlorobenzene, DNAPL, TPH-g, TPH-d


St. Bruno, Quebec

In Situ Thermal Remediation


Contaminants: PCE, TPH-d

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